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Year 6 1940s WWII "WOW" Day

The year 6 children were evacuated to the village of Coumerwick for a '1940s Wow Day',


It was a great chance for them experience and learn about life as children on the home front during the 1940s as part of their WW2 history topic.  They really enjoyed the day and hope you will enjoy reading their recounts and looking at the photos in the gallery.


"It was an experience of a life time." Alexander


"I liked the jam sandwiches we bought with our ration booklet and shillings" Cameron


"It was really fun getting involved and running the different shops in the cafe" James


"I wish we could have days like that everyday" William


"It is definitely one of those school days you will never forget" Jaydene


"Dressing up made it really realistic and even more fun" Megan


"It was so fun and realistic using all the artefacts"
