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Physical Education


At Chalfont St Peter Church of England Academy, we aim to use sport as a catalyst to teach values and build well rounded individuals that can work independently or within a team successfully. 

We strive to improve a child’s physical and mental well being, using positive reinforcement to continually develop the children, and surrounding their physical education with positivity to increase enjoyment and future participation. Children will be given the opportunity to challenge themselves to ensure they continually develop, and are given the opportunity to see this development within their own abilities through regular assessment.

We will equip our pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure they live a healthy lifestyle; understanding the importance of a healthy diet as well as continued exercise. The main catalyst to a healthy lifestyle is through enjoyment of sport, which we aim to do by giving them as many opportunities to experience as many different sports as possible.



Our PE curriculum is taught from year 3 to year 6. We build year on year the skills that the children have learnt and developed. Children will be introduced to a range of different sports that will then be revisited later on in their journey through the school. Children will learn about aspects of a sport at least twice on the journey through the school, once in the lower school and then again in the upper school.   Some sports will also be taught every year on their journey through the school to ensure progression.

During our games sessions, children are given the choice of 2 sports to attend for an extended period of a term. This puts the ownership on the child and ensures the enjoyment factor is at the forefront of their learning; the onus is on them to participate and focus on an area they really enjoy. The children have a choice of games to choose from which change as they progress from lower to middle school and reflects their different maturity levels and needs for a  safe learning environment. We then offer a different 3 sports that children can choose from for the Summer Term, again to give them an extended period in which they can develop their skills.

The children have an assessment so they are able to see the progress that they have made focussing on the fundamental movement skills. This is completed at the start of the year, half way through the year and at the end of the year, with the results recorded so the children can see the progress they have made since their last assessment. The assessment focuses on the fundamental movement skills (agility, balance, coordination, flexibility,etc) and is tested through a range of simple exercises. This is seen as a challenge rather than an assessment of their abilities but allows staff to see if progress is being made, as well as the children challenging themselves to beat their previous scores.

Alongside our PE and games curriculum, we also provide a range of extra curricular opportunities for children to further develop in a sport and enjoyment with their peers. This can also lead to children having the opportunity to represent school in inter school tournaments and festivals, testing themselves against peers of similar ages and abilities.



Our PE curriculum will create confident children, comfortable in their own abilities in a wide variety of sports. Children will be aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the role that regular exercise has within that. Fun and enjoyment is always at the forefront of our PE and games sessions and this should create a positive environment for the continued learning and development of PE and games in the future. Children should leave at the end of Year 6 having had exposure to a wide range of sports which has enabled them to develop their fundamental movement skills that allow them to excel in the future.

