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Walk to School and Be Healthy week

Despite a few showers, lots of children have been able to walk to school and do extra exercise during playtimes this week. Our dedicated Year 6 Road Safety Officers (Erin, Emma, Kabir, Lucca and Willow) did a sterling job of handing out raffle tickets to walkers. Year 4 ran a mile each day and progressively became fitter throughout the week. Scott and Lauren from Core Fitness joined us on several mornings during the week for a ‘Wake and Shake’ before school. Some of our very keen Year 6 sports leaders set up an inter-house basketball challenge at lunch times. During play times, the children were getting extra exercise by dancing to the music on the stage - thank you Mr Eggleton! 

It has also been good to see children getting back on track with healthy choices at snack and lunch times by bringing in fresh fruit and vegetables to eat. They seem to prefer it too. We look forward to seeing which class is the healthiest!


On Groovy Shoes Day, children enjoyed wearing their favourite shoes and lots of children chose to change into their slippers in the classroom. On Wildlife Wednesday, Emma, Erin and Lola (Year 6) delivered an endearing whole school Collective Worship, inspiring lots of children to think about urban wildlife and ways of helping them, such as putting out water and planting wildflowers. That evening, William (Year 4) went home and told his parents what he had learned about hedgehogs.

Mrs Lipscombe, who is also passionate about wildlife, has been planting lots of wildflowers with all year groups so we should have a lovely display from June onwards. Amaira (Year 4) said that she had asked her parents to plant some wildflowers at the weekend. It would be lovely if other children did likewise.

We hope that this week inspires children to change some of their habits to healthier ones and to continue to walk to school, keep fit, eat healthily and start considering our wildlife friends too. Many thanks for the effort you have made to support your children during this week.

Mrs Botia (PSHE and RSE Leader)
