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International Day and Arts Evening 8th July 2015

Wednesday 8th July was our International Day where children throughout the school dressed in national costume or the colours of the flag of the country they researched.


Within classes each year group focused on different continents around the world and children researched a country of their choice with many opting to present information about a country which their family has links with. A huge exhibition was displayed in the school hall for children and parents to view during our Arts Evening which took place later.


An invitation to parents to bring a dish of food to share at the Arts Evening was met with a wonderful response: dishes of food from all around the world arrived in the hall with teams of parents collaborating to provide a feast of flavours and culinary talent!


The evening developed with children from all year groups welcoming the parents with "hello" in multiple languages and then performing in songs relating to the international theme, singing "One World" which described the different people, foods, cultures, faiths and countries around our world and then "I am a small part of the world" which encourages us to join together so that we can stand strong and bold, united in our desire for peace in the world.


The evening unfolded with children reciting French poetry, the whole staff playing African drums before we all joined in a prayer for peace, written and spoken by our "Wings" group who focus their working group time on the ethos of our school. The evening ended with a final song, "No wars will stop us singing" which resounded across Chalfont St Peter!
