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British Science week

British Science Week comes to CSPA!

This week we have been celebrating all things Science! On Monday we kicked off British Science week with a whole day dedicated to Science. The theme this year is 'connections' and the children have been thinking lots about what this means in preparation for their homework and class activities.

From egg experiments to astronaut applications the children were involved in a whole range of very exciting activities. Year 3 had a go at creating their very own lava lamps using oil, baking soda and vinegar! Year 4 participated in an egg and teeth experiment and Year 5 spent the day creating applications to become astronauts! The whole school was also involved in a bridge building activity, where the classes were mixed around and the children were set a challenge to build a bridge from straws and masking tape! They did a fantastic job!

Here are some quotes from some of the children:

"I enjoyed making the bridges as it was fun to join in with another year group who I wouldn't usually work with" - Kate Class 8

"I enjoyed the astronaut team building activity because I got the chance to learn more about my classmates" - Amelia Class 8

"I loved seeing what the Hubble telescope saw on my classmates birthdays as I find space really interesting" - Ella Class 8

"Did you know that blackcurrant is worse for your teeth than coke!" - Olivia Class 6

"I enjoyed the egg experiment and the bridge making was fun!" - Kitty Class 4

"I enjoyed pouring the liquids into each other, it was a fun experiment." - Poppy S Class 1 

"I enjoyed watching Emily's wonderlab - you should watch it! I enjoyed making the lava lamps as it was cool." - Oriole Class 1 
