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La Chandeleur 2nd February 2016

Every year Mrs Downie takes on this massive challenge and organises pancakes for the whole school on this "French Pancake Day" known as "La Chandeleur. Group by group, the children make their way to the hall to ask for their pancake (in French!) and enjoy sharing this occasion with their friends.


The date actually marks when Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem and is known in France as La Chandeleur. Traditionally, the French celebrated this holiday by decorating their homes with candles, holding a lantern procession, and of course, eating crêpes. But why the crêpes? Here are a few possible explanations.


  • As well as a religious holiday, Chandeleur is an occasion to rejoice in more sunshine as the days gradually get longer. Apparently a round, golden crêpe just happens to be the perfect snack to symbolize the sun.
  • Crêpes are also easy to make and were traditionally a good way to use up the extra wheat from the previous year in hopes of a good harvest in the upcoming season.


Well done once again to Mrs Downie, our French specialist for not only teaching our children French but also regularly enlightening us all and immersing the school in a love of language and a little French culture. We look forward to the next occasion coming up soon - the visit of the French Theatre group.

